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Primary School

Learn, Play, Laugh

Dysgu Chwarae Chwerthin

Y2's Wonderful Walks!

Over the past couple of weeks,year 2 has been out and about around Lisvane. Their new topic, street detectives, is all about learning about their communities and the local space around them. On a walk around Lisvane, year 2 looked for the busiest roads and minor landmarks.


One child said, “We went out to learn about our community. We took some photos and put them in a pic-collage. We also learnt about stop, look, listen and think.” Stop, look, listen and think is a scheme to teach children about the importance of road safety. A year 2 teacher said how fantastic they were and how much they learnt.


The teachers and the students all had lots of fun. Everyone's behaviour was impeccable and they can’t wait to go on another adventure very soon!

