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Primary School

Learn, Play, Laugh

Dysgu Chwarae Chwerthin


Croeso 3DC! 

P.E has changed from a Tuesday to a Wednesday. Thursday session is still the same.

P.E Kit -Wednesday & Thursday. Please make sure you have an extra sweatshirt/hoody and a pair of tracksuit bottoms in your kit bag for when we take part in P.E outside. Diolch!!

Spelling/ Reading books - Please bring reading & spelling books in EVERY day during the week. Spellings will be given out on a Monday and the test will be on a Friday.

Reading books will be changed on a Monday but cannot be changed unless a parent has signed their child's reading record. 

Global Gourmet
Summer Term 2

This project has a food design and technology focus and teaches children about different food types from around the World, fair trade and the importance of eating a healthy diet for well being. At the heart of this project children will learn how to write formal and informal letters and develop additional skills in writing to advertise and inform.
In this project the children will learn:
• Where food originates from, and how food has a ‘carbon footprint’ which affects the cost;
• About the cultural traditions relating to food; how food production is important to particular countries;
• How diet affects our health and well being;
• To make accurate measurements and calculate costs of food and ingredients;
• To develop basic food technology skills and follow recipes;
• To collaborate as a team, deciding on strengths, weaknesses and interests of team members;
• How to write letters for a range of purposes both formally and informally.
Ideas for learning together at home…
·         Visit your local Co-op store and make a list of all the ‘Fair Trade’ products you can find on the shelves.
Find an interesting recipe (from the Internet?) from another country and cook/eat it together at home; write a review. Make an eye-catching recipe cards to tempt others!


Wild Wood
Summer Term 1

Our new and exciting topic for the first half of our Summer term is 'Wild Wood'. This topic is based heavily around nature and natural resources. We are going to look forward to lot's of fun artwork as well as many adventures in the woodland environment learning about the world around us. Fingers crossed for some superb summer weather for the next few weeks.

Disaster Zone
Spring Term 2

In fact, it was a "Disaster Zone" because this was our topic. It was geography based, looking at the causes of natural disasters involving water, flooding, tornadoes, erosion and the environmental factors behind them.

Luckily, the weather was on our side - rain, wind, storms, floods, snow - you name it; we had it and enjoyed every minute of it.

We watched a lot of TV weather forecasts and read loads of newspaper weather reports. So many that we decided to make our own. We wrote, presented and filmed a weather forecast and wrote a newspaper report about terrible weather.

We also looked at more extreme weather events and natural disasters around the world.We thought our Welsh weather was bad but thank goodness we don’t have to worry about hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes.  They are really interesting to learn about but not much fun if you are caught in the middle of one. 

We did create a volcano eruption in class but unfortunately it didn’t blow the roof off.

At the same time, we managed to squeeze in plenty of disastrous maths and English and in Science we looked rocks and soils which fitted it snugly, too.

The Romans
Spring Term 1


We have now completed our second Spring half term. We have loved learning about the Romans and we were all eager to carry the topic into the Summer term. Our visit to the Roman Fortress in Caerleon was fantastic and we learnt so much about Roman Britain. Our class assembly was terrific and we all enjoyed performing to the rest of the school and our families. 

Mr Cannon's Football Club

Year 3/4 Football Club - Mondays 3:30-4:30. 
Please bring kit, football boots and/or trainers, shin pads (if you have them) and a water bottle. 