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Dysgu Chwarae Chwerthin

Reception / Derbynfa

Welcome to Reception!

Croeso i Dderbyn

14th  July 2020

Dear  Reception Parents and children,


We are approaching the end of the School Academic Year in these unprecedented times and  who would have thought this would be the way we would be finishing the year off! We never expected when we welcomed your child to Llysfaen Primary School Reception that we would only spend half the year in School with them. We thoroughly enjoyed that time with your wonderful children in RPB and RKP and had lots of fun. It was a privilege to teach them, get to know you and we have very happy memories to treasure. 


We have been so pleased to see so many children engaging in the challenge of learning at home and as well as seeing work on Seesaw We are sure many children have enjoyed learning many different life skills. Please don't underestimate how important these life skills are.  Your children will remember many very happy times spent together as a family and that feeling of being safe, secure and so loved is the most important aspect of these difficult times. Your children are ‘Superheroes’.

We want to thank you as parents for all your hard work you have put in with home learning, as trying to work with a  4 /5 year old at home and continuing to balance home life/do your own jobs cannot have been easy. Your support to us has been greatly appreciated and as parents you are ’Superheroes’.


Many of you  may well wish to continue to practise reading  with your children over the summer holidays.

Firstly, remember to share books with the children from their own book collection or stories on Youtube. It is so important to ask the children questions about the stories they have read and get them to talk about the content. 

Practise Lotto words (which you will find on the Reception web page) and if your child is confident  with these words then practise the sheet 100 key words(which you will find on the Reception web page- under Literacy- 

Practise reading some books

Play phonics play games- link on website

Use the link below to choose a  book to read 

Details and links to access the e-book library are on the Reception Website. 

We know the summer holidays will be a different experience for everyone this year and we hope it is a positive, happy and safe experience for you and the children. Let’s hope the sun shines!

Thank you once again for all your support. It has been a pleasure to work together during the past tricky  four months to support the children and we look forward to seeing them and you when they start Year 1.


Diolch yn fawr iawn/ Thank you very much. 

With our  warmest wishes,

Mrs Borrill,  Mrs Paull and all the Reception Team.




Dear Parents,


We hope you and your families are well. Thank you for your continued support with your child’s home learning. We feel ’Dinosaur’ week has been a big success!  Please continue to post any tasks, photos or videos on Seesaw, as it is lovely to see everything. May we remind you that throughout the week (especially between 8am-2pm) we will be busy at school, which will mean our responses to the posts may be a little slower. 


 Our ‘Superhero’ Children Coming Back To School!

We are greatly looking forward to seeing the children’s happy faces on their allocated days and hearing all their news. In preparation it would be a very good idea to look at the 3 videos on coming back to school

( and sharing them with your child. We have also added  a further 2 videos about ‘Washing Hands’ and ‘Two Meters Away’ which will help prepare your child to stay safe  in school and when they are out and about. There is also a flavour of the activities that we will be doing with your children on this page. 


Our ’Superhero’ Children Staying At Home

If you have decided that your child is staying at home for the rest of this term we of course understand. Please remember your child is a very special and important part of our class and we continue to think of them and you. A copy of what we hope to cover in school with the children returning will be added to our website. Whilst we will not be making face to face contact with your child we hope to make some other contact call to say ‘hello’. Indeed we are sure they would enjoy watching the two videos below to remind them about keeping safe when they are out and about.


Video 1- Washing Hands

Video 2- Two Metres Away


The home learning activities will be on the website for the remainder of the Summer Term and we hope the children enjoy them. We want you all to continue to ‘Keep Safe’ and ‘Keep Smiling’. 

Thank you again for all your support. It is greatly appreciated. 


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Borrill smiley and Mrs Paull smiley
