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Primary School

Learn, Play, Laugh

Dysgu Chwarae Chwerthin

Ticket To Ride Fortnight

We had such a fantastic fortnight full of learning experiences based around the theme 'Ticket To Ride'. After discussing the areas of learning we'd like to focus on, the children came up with activities and ideas that they'd like to complete. We had a range of literacy and numeracy activities as well as a range of ICT and Science and Technology.


The main challenge was that the children, in groups,  had to create an animation based around a funfair. The children worked extremely hard to design and create AMAZING structures and models out of lego and KNEX. They had to use these models to then plan and create an animation.


The team work, enthusiasm and dedication towards this fortnight was incredible and the outcome out-weighed all expectations. The animations were simply WONDERFUL! The children evaluated throughout the whole process to ensure quality movies at the end!


Their Literacy and Numeracy work was also fantastic and they gave 100 % throughout the whole fortnight! As I'm sure you'll all agree, the Ticket To Ride fortnight was a huge success!

Da iawn ti 3LB! One very proud Birdie! nosmiley



The Structures!

The Groups!

Sharing with Year Ones
