Llysfaen Primary School PTFA (Parents,Teachers and Friends Association)
The PTFA consists of a number of enthusiastic Mums and Dads who aim to raise money for Llysfaen Primary School, by bringing the community together and holding events for parents and children by having fun whilst raising funds needed.
For details of PTFA events, look out for ParentMails, WhatsApp messages and check out our Facebook page www.facebook.com/LlysfaenPTFA as well as our Instagram page #llysfaenprimaryPTFA and our twitter page @llysfaenPTFA. You can also email us at PTFA@llysfaenprimaryschool.co.uk with any queries or offers of help.
If you are unable to attend events or they just don't take your fancy, there are other ways that you can help raise money for the school:-
Last year with your support, PTFA events and activities raised funds to buy classroom resources, PE resources, donated towards school reading books as well as some tuff trays and stands, not to mention the other little things we continue to assist the school with.
February 2021 saw several new beautiful rainbow picnic tables installed outside in the play areas. The tables were funded by the generosity of the parents and companies through fund raising activities run by the PTFA. The rainbow tables are environmentally friendly and have been manufactured from 100% recycled plastics, saving thousands of plastic bottles going to landfill. We hope that they will inspire the children to make environmentally responsible choices. The tables are strong, durable, weather resistant and will last for years to come.
Without the support of parents, teachers and friends we couldn't raise any money for the school. We rely on your support to make events a success and we thank everyone who has helped in any way - attended an event, entered the school lottery, donated goodies for stalls and given money this year. On the plus side we are registered for Gift Aid, so please remember that when you are completing your tax return.
The PTFA holds regular meetings and if you are interested in becoming a helper (wrapping up Christmas presents, manning a stall at a fayre for 30 minutes etc) or finding out more about becoming a committee member or what the PTFA does, please email us at PTFA@llysfaenprimaryschool.co.uk