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Primary School

Learn, Play, Laugh

Dysgu Chwarae Chwerthin

Year 3 / Blwyddyn 3

Croeso i Blwyddyn 3!

Welcome to Year 3!

P.E Days

3RL: Mondays & Tuesdays

3AV: Tuesdays and Wednesdays


A piece of English, Maths or Topic based homework is given out on a Friday and will need to be returned to the class teacher by the following Friday. This may occasionally be assigned on Seesaw, new Seesaw logins will come home at the start of Year 3.

Times tables are also given weekly.

Spelling - Spelling lists will be given weekly.  



  • We no longer communicate through the Reading Diary as they did in Foundation Phase although we use it to keep a record of the books the children have read. We will change their reading books if the diary is signed.
  • Please focus on discussing the text with your child as we often find that the children can decode and read fluently, however, their comprehension of the text is not always as good.
  • Children who require support are listened to read most days.  All pupils will read to the teacher at least once a week during Guided Reading sessions.


Please bring your reading book and Home School Record book to school every day.

