Summer Term
We are enjoying playing in the two new role play areas, our Pizzeria and our Garden Centre, the children are brilliant at serving up and taking orders for the different Pizza's and our grass has never looked so tidy with all the mowing!
The Children were so egg-cited when the eggs arrived and loved watching them hatch into chicks. They were so soft and we could even see some feathers starting to grow.
Next week we will be off to Cheeky Monkeys, fingers crossed the weather is good.
Cheeky Monkey's
Our cheeky little monkey's had so much fun at Cheeky Monkey's. The children loved going on the bus ride with their mummies and daddies. They all enjoyed climbing, sliding, playing and running.
Class Assembly
All the children were fantastic in their class assembly, they blew us away with how confident they were up on the stage in front of all the mummies and daddies. We forget they are still only 3 and 4 but they really rose to the occasion.