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Primary School

Learn, Play, Laugh

Dysgu Chwarae Chwerthin


Eisteddfod Alert!

Please find below a copy of the words to this year’s house song ‘Ar Lan y Môr'.  We’ve started learning it this week and you have all done brilliantly, but we’d love you to start working on the words at home as well. 

Diolch yn fawr iawn, pawb!

Hello everyone!
So we have survived Stackpole!

Can't believe that this is our 1st week back in school... we are still recovering from all the exhaustion and excitement!
If you are wondering where our photos are,  please check our gallery!
More will follow!

Before we start our new topic, "The Blitz" we need to finish our project work on Stackpole.
To achieve our John Muir Award we need to complete the sharing challenge so we decided  to write a brilliant recount  about out time at Stackpole.
We worked in our stackpole groups and shared our most memorable experiences. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed writing and experiencing them!
 So start reading!

Autumn term and Stackpole

Stackpole Reminder- 19th October

  • Don't forget wellies, water proofs and walking boots
  • Remember a first class stamp and make sure you know your full address!
  • Bring lots of layers and plenty of changes of clothes BUT REMEMBER you will have to carry your own case.
  • If you need medication please bring it to school in a clearly labelled box on the morning that we leave.
  • We will need to be leaving school at 8:00 AM so you will need to be getting on the bus at 7:45 AM