Hi Year 5
Hope you are keeping well!
Yet again you have impressed us with your work this week. In maths you have been busy correctly identifying congruent shapes, recognising and classifying triangles. In LLC you have been making your voices heard by expressing your opinions about the beach litter louts, designing excellent informative posters to highlight the importance of oceans, taking in part in quizzes and even sequencing statements in chronological order to show how the straw ends up inside the fish.
It has also been lovely to see your letters/posters/videos of advice to help address some tricky friendship scenarios! Lastly but certainly not least we have all been wowed and amazed at your creative approaches to the expressive art task this week whereby you have become part of your artwork. The use of materials, chalk and digital photo editing has been exceptional! Well done to everyone for making such a huge effort!
This week we have decided to take a break from our topic ‘Water – too little, too dirty, too much!’ to take part in #BluebirdsFromHome Schools Festival. We have adapted some of the suggested activities designed by the CCFC foundation in the planning. There will be numeracy, literacy and well-being activities throughout Monday to Wednesday while Thursday and Friday will be set aside for two fun filled days of physical activities. On Wednesday there is also an opportunity to compete against Cardiff City First team and Cardiff City FC Women’s team players in physical activity challenges – how exciting!
Take care, stay safe and keep smiling ;-)
Miss J, Mrs A and Mrs B