Welcome to RCF!
We are finally logged in and are ready to fill our page with lots of exciting pictures that will show you some of the fun things we have been doing so far in Reception.
This half term our themes are Winter Wonderland and Mirror, Mirror. We have already had great fun learning about animals that live in both the Arctic and Antarctic and have written some super facts about them! We have been experimenting with ice and have used our knowledge to help both Penguin Pete and the polar bear family escape, when they were frozen in a variety of ice cubes! Wow!
Now we are moving onto looking at some familiar fairytales. We are currently enjoying the story of Snow White and the children are enjoying dressing up and role playing in our castle.
Now that the building work is finished we are going to be working hard to set up our new outdoor area which is going to be a magical fairytale land. All we need now is some good weather!
Our PE days are on Mondays and Fridays.
Our reading days are on Mondays and Thursdays.
(Please ensure that books are in bags everyday as on occasions our reading days need to change).
Please remember to send a pair of labelled wellington boots in with your child as soon as possible, that can stay in school, to allow them to access the outdoor area frequently.
Thank you again for your continued support.
We hope that you are staying safe and having lots of fun in the snow!
If school is open tomorrow, remember to bring in some wellington boots and wear some warm clothing so we can go out and have some fresh air.
Please bring in any photos you have of the children playing in the snow so that we can share them as a class and display them on our winter board.
Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!