The Criw Cymraeg have been focusing on Reception this term and their welsh knowledge has improved amazingly! We have taken it in turns-in partners- to play fun welsh games with all Reception children at break times. Our welsh group (that's us!) have encouraged lots of children to come and play-maybe up to 20! We have played a lot of games, paying particular attention to colour and numbers. For example, Ellie and Anuja and Olivia and Alice played 'run and touch a colour .' Eamon and Yanik and Lexi and Cailinn played welsh hop scotch with numbers. The children loved the games and even played them on their own when we couldn't be with them. We often had the same people as they were so dedicated and could not STOP PLAYING our games! The Receptions are continuously earning Tochyn Iaiths and this is SPECTACULAR since children in our school only just start Tochyn Iaiths in Reception. Go Receptions! You have been a pleasure to work with! The Criw Cymraeg are looking forward to working with the Year 1's soon. Bye!
Ellie a Cailinn