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Primary School

Learn, Play, Laugh

Dysgu Chwarae Chwerthin

Year 2 / Blwyddyn 2

P.E Days

2CJ: Monday and Thursday

2HG: Monday and Thursday


Children are to come into school in their kits and will stay in their kits all day.

Children with earrings either need to remove them or have them covered with tape. 

Children with long hair should also have it tied back.

Please can we ask that children who wear laces, know how to tie their laces themselves.



The children will be given the opportunity to read their scheme

book to an adult once a week.


If their reading diary has been signed they will be given a new book to take

home on their reading day. 


Remember the little things!

Can you please remember to not let your child come in with large backpacks.


Please remember to label ALL your child's belongings! Especially jumpers and cardigans!


Many thanks! 


Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Hanson and Mrs Jenkins
