Welcome to Year 5.
Just before half term, Year 5 had a whoopsy-splunkers (fantastic) time studying the life and works of the author Roald Dahl. The children thoroughly enjoyed performing play scripts, songs and rhymes. They also wrote spooky magical chants, created interesting character profiles and explored the use of Roald Dahl’s playful ‘gobblefunk’ (his own invented language).
Our current context for learning is Children of the Revolution and our main focus is exploring what life was like for children during Victorian times. This week, we are going to visit ‘Big Pit’ for the children to have an underground tour of a coal mine and they will find out about what life was like for Victorian children working underground. In the forthcoming weeks the children will plan an afternoon tea at which they will present their findings about children’s living conditions to Queen Victoria. Our English lessons this term are based around historical novels set in Victorian times, namely Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and Street Child by Berlie Doherty.
Cwl Cymru, our Welsh fortnight, is now upon us and the children have worked so hard on their individual entries for the handwriting and art competitions, in readiness for our St. David’s Day celebrations this week.