Hi Year 5
What a super scorcher of a week it has been - weather wise!
Thank you for all the excellent work you have completed this week tackling the probability in your weather forecasts, practising your proofreading skills, researching extreme weather, designing super informative posters, creating wildlife documentaries and designing fun socially distant friendly games. It certainly has been a busy week!
As we are beginning our catch-up face to face sessions back at school this week with many of you we have decided to make a slight change to the weekly home learning task sheet. We appreciate that many of you will be spending one day a week at school catching up with your friends and us which may mean you will be left with less time to complete the tasks set at home. For this reason, we have decided (for the next 3 weeks) to set aside 1 day a week for you to catch up with /finish off work and to participate in tasks linked to Health and Well-being. We are calling this day ‘FEEL GOOD FRIDAY’ as we aim to deliver a curriculum that spans all areas of learning and is broad and balanced. We hope you enjoy the tasks we set you on a Friday!
May we also remind you that throughout the week (especially between 8am – 2pm) we will be busy at school which will mean our responses to your work may be a little slower. Please bear with us.
We are looking forward to seeing lots of you back in school next week but we also want to say we totally understand if some of you are unable return to school for lots of different reasons. We will miss you all!
Please keep yourselves safe, keep smiling and get in touch if you need any help or support with your schoolwork. We are here to help you ;-)
Best Wishes
Miss J, Mrs A and Mrs B