This half term we will be going back in time to experience a taste of life during the Blitz!
We are looking forward to discovering the main causes of the start of the War, who was involved and how it ended.
We are also going to have our heart strings tugged as we learn about the devastating effects the War had on families and communities.
In mid Jan we will be visiting 1940's Swansea Bay for a trip down memory lane, where we will find out more about air raid shelters, rationing and evacuees. We are hoping to pick up some tips for our 'make do and mend' DT and Art project.
Linking to our theme we will be looking at using the narrative voice in English and learning how to use 'flashback' in our WWII stories. Our class novel is 'Hannah goes to War' - a moving tale, highlighting the experiences of a group of children living in Swansea during the outbreak of the Second World War.
In Maths we will be looking at data and statistics linked to WWII, whilst continuing to improve our maths skills across the curriculum.
So, it looks like it will be another busy term, especially as we will be holding our Eisteddfod before February half term! Watch this space for Curriculum updates and don't forget to look in the gallery at our photos!
News update: check our gallery for photos of our school trip to 1940's Swansea Bay!
Autumn Term
Can't believe that this is our 2nd week back in school... we are still recovering from all the exhaustion and excitement!
If you are wondering why we haven't posted any photos yet, be assured that we haven't forgotten!!
We are simply waiting for the children to complete their Stackpole iMovies.
These will be linked to our webpage and you can have a good nose of all the activities!
Before we start our new topic, 'Skin Deep' we need to finish our project work on Stackpole.
Part of this project has been to write a brilliant blog about out time at Stackpole.
So we have been running a blogging competition to find the best bloggers in year 6.
The competition was fierce and we have found it extremely difficult to choose a winner but a decision has been made!
Our Champion Bloggers Award went to Ayaz and James!
Brilliant work guys! Made me laugh all the way through! Check out their awesome winning blog on our 6CS Blog.
All the entries were so good we have decided to create a link to the rest of them. So start reading!