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Primary School

Learn, Play, Laugh

Dysgu Chwarae Chwerthin


Hi Everyone

Hope you are all keeping well. 


Next week we are launching our brand new topic for the summer term!  Our new topic is called: 
'Water - too much? Too little? Too dirty?' 

Check out the theme sheet below for the exciting details!


Also we just want to let you know and make it clear that we would love you to share your work with us via the classroom.  You can upload photographs of your work which you may have completed on paper or send a request to allow us to edit/comment on the work you have completed using your Google Apps.


Previously we had thought we could access your folders remotely without you needing to send it to us but unfortunately this is not the case.  We need your permission to see any work you have completed using any of the Google Apps such as 'Docs,' 'Slides,' 'Sites,' etc.  We would love to view your work so that we can see how you are getting on with the tasks.  We are also able to comment on your work too!


Please find below some resources which you will need for your 'Home School Learning' plan next week in folders.  We have sent each resource attached in two formats (Microsoft Word Document and a PDF copy - both are exactly the same).  We have also attached a chapter from Street Child which Mrs Antoniazzi has kindly made for 5AB who are in the middle of reading the novel.


Take care, keep safe and try to spend some time away from your screens this weekend.


Miss Jones, Mrs Bowen and Mrs Antoniazzi
