St David's Day
The children had great fun in the week leading up to the eisteddfod, painting daffodils, making Welsh Ladies/Rugby Players and making daffodil and leek head bands.
We enjoyed seeing all the children's beautiful artwork, they must have worked so hard and were all winners in our eyes. The Criw Cymraeg Children had a real tough time choosing the winners.
St David's Day was lots of fun and the children sat beautifully watching the house competitions in the hall. Next year it will be them!!
Chinese New Year
We have had a super week learning all about Chinese New Year. This year is the year of the Pig, we found out that the children in Nursery were either born in the year of the Horse or the Sheep. We loved listening to the story of the Jade Emperor and the big race between all the animals.
We made lots of Chinese themed pieces such as Chinese lanterns, dragons and colouring the Chinese flag, the colours red and gold are used a lot as it means good luck.
We used chopsticks to pick up wool, tasted Chinese food and even did a dragon dance to finish off the week. We have really enjoyed learning all about Chinese New Year.
Winter is Here
The children have all settled back in after the excitement of Christmas. We are starting to learn about Winter and what signs to look for, some days we see that Jack Frost has visited and left everything glittery and icy. We have an igloo in our role play area and the children have loved putting the artic animal masks on.
Outside we have a new builders yard with tools, bricks and wood, the children have had great fun building, hammering, drilling and working together to build lots of different things.
We have also welcomed lots of new friends to our morning and afternoon sessions.
All the children were very excited to take home library books last week and we have already enjoyed looking at all the pictures that they have made of the characters in the books.