Spring Term in 4DJ - Game of Thrones: Battle of the Elizabeths
Our theme in 4DJ this term is Game of Thrones: Battle of the Elizabeths, as we look to compare life in Elizabethan Britain (within the wider context of the Tudor period) with life today. Across the six areas of learning experience, through the application of the associated cross curricular skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT, the children will learn about life during the reign of famous monarchs such as Henry VIII and Elizabeth ! and begin to understand how their impact on British life altered the course of history and helped create the modern world in which they live.
In IT, children will create information films on aspects of Tudor life, using augmented reality apps such as 'Morfo Booth' to bring to life famous Tudor characters, allowing them to narrate the life of a Tudor through the voice of those who lived in those times (keep up to date with our Youtube channel for said videos). Welsh lessons will see the children use the past tense to discuss and explain what life was like in the home during the Tudor period.
In literacy, the children will be creating information texts on the Tudor period, with the context for learning allowing them to learn the features of said texts and further develop their knowledge of this form of writing. They will also write extended narratives on Tudor themes, extending their vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, spelling and ability to hold a readers attention.
Maths will continue to build on the four core functions in number: applying addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to real life contexts. They will also develop their knowledge of 2D shapes, time and measure, often in practical contexts, while also improving their reasoning skills with one eye on the forthcoming national tests in May.
PE days will continue to be Wednesday and Thursday with children asked to wear their kits into school on those days. Topic linked spellings will come home on a Wednesday with the test usually held on a Monday morning. Other homework will be given out on Friday to be completed over the weekend. Please also practice the times tables with your child as it helps when accessing higher order mathematical concepts.
Croeso i 4DJ
Welcome to 4DJ
We have had an exciting start to the term and are looking forward to the year ahead.
This term our theme is Express Yourself!
We will be looking at different ways we can express ourselves; through oracy, music, art, dance, fashion, culture and religion.
In English we will be studying the BFG by Roald Dahl with a view to creating our own land of giants before October half term. We will be creating dreams and writing alternative versions of well known fairy stories. We hope that using punctuation such as commas and full stops correctly will help us to express ourselves more clearly in our writing and that our understanding of how to use speech marks improves. We hope to become experts at communicating both in the real and virtual world as we will be experiencing many opportunities to write in different ways.
In maths as well as keeping our numeracy skills sharp and nailing our times tables we will be learning how to multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. We will be measuring giant strides and converting them from cm to m and mm. We will be using the 8 points of the compass to describe places within Wales and the wider world. Please keep an eye on our twitter pages for more information about what we are doing in class.
PE DAYS: Wednesday and Thursday.
Please ensure children come to school in full kit on these days.