Breaking News
We have been awarded our third 'Green Flag'
What an achievement - we are very proud of our school and our hardworking Eco Committe
We won the 'Ten Day Turn Down!'
Llysfaen Primary School have taken the top spot in a 10 Day Turn Down competition which saw 23 Cardiff schools competing to see who could save the most energy. We ran a 'Turn Off Tuesday' where staff and pupils turned off as many lights as possible. We also planned a 'Whiteboard Wednesday' and all classes turned off their IWB and used traditional chalkboards instead of whiteboards and projectors. We also launched 'Photocopy Free Friday' and the school printers and photocopiers were turned off. We saved £41 in two weeks and reduced our energy consumption by 15%. What an achievement!
Keep Lisvane Tidy
The pupils of Llysfaen Primary school recently rolled up their sleeves as part of a nation-wide clean-up campaign run by one of Wales’ leading environmental charities. The ‘Be Tidy’ campaign, run by Keep Wales Tidy, takes place across Wales throughout the month of September and is funded by Tesco customer’s 5p single use carrier bag donation. To encourage people to Be Tidy the children took the challenge and 350 pupils gave up their time to help clean up different areas of their community on 24th September 2015.
As part of the clean-up operation some of the children went to Cefn Onn Park, Coed-y-Felin Woods, Lisvane Memorial Park and Tree Tops field. A large group of children also worked to clean up the school grounds. In total, the groups removed 17 bags of litter from around Lisvane. The Be Tidy clean-up campaign is just one of the ways Keep Wales Tidy and Tesco are helping communities across Wales to improve their local environment. Please take a look at the Gallery for photos of the children in action!
Wonderful Water
As part of learning about water efficiency, the children were took part in a Toothbrush Challenge where each pupil pledged to turn off the tap when brushing their teeth. We took on the challenge as a whole school and really impressed the Education Team at Welsh Water. We calculated that during that week, just by turning off the tap whilst brushing their teeth, the pupils saved a massive 17,136 litres of water! Welsh Water’s Education Team were so impressed with the interest of the pupils at the school they offered the school a free water efficiency outreach assembly and workshops. Take a look at some of our pictures in the sub pages below.
Mary Watkins, Peripatetic Education Officer for Welsh Water, said: “It has been brilliant to work at Llysfaen and see the enthusiasm and understanding that the children have about saving water. With climate change and an increasing population, water will become an even more precious resource in the future. If children understand the importance of conserving water now, then this will help face the challenge in the future. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with the children of Llysfaen Primary School.”
Eco Action Plan 2015-2016
This year the Eco Committee have decided to focus on the action areas of Transport and Global Citizenship. Take a look at our action plan below to see what we have planned for this school year. The Eco Committee are looking forward to planning a 'Walk to School Week' and 'Fairtrade Friday' in the new year.
Eco Warriors
Welcome to the home of the Eco Committee who are known as the 'Eco Warriors'. Our role is to make sure that at Llysfaen Primary we do our very best to protect our local environment and be a 'Green Flag School'. We are a hardworking team of children from each of the different classes and we are very proud of our school and our committee.
Meet the team. . .
Year 2
We wanted to be on the Eco Committee because we are very good at picking up litter and we put rubbish in the right bins. Also we like to make sure that everyone eats healthy food. We want to help the school get our third green flag!
Year 3
We wanted to be on the Eco Committee because we like recycling and turning off the taps in school and at home. We make sure the lights are turned off in our classroom when nobody is in the room. We are really good at saving water and we want our school to be a green eco school.
Year 4
We wanted to be on the Eco Committee because we really want to help the school get our third green flag. We really enjoy recycling and work hard to make the school litter free. We enjoy doing lots of eco jobs around the school.
Year 5
We wanted to be on the Eco Committee because we enjoy picking up litter and we have lots of lovely ideas for our school to help the environment. We really want to help our school get the third green flag. We work very hard and we are excited for this year.
Year 6
We wanted to be on the Eco Committee because it is our last year in this amazing school and we would love to help get our third green flag. We love to be eco and we think that the 3 R's are very important. We like to encourage everyone to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! We want to help people reduce their carbon footprint.
Year 6
We wanted to be on the Eco Committee because it is our last year in the school and we have wanted to be part of the committee for a long time. We have lovely ideas to help our school get the third green flag. We want to help our school to be eco and green!
Our Eco Code
We are in the process of setting up a new 'Tasty Tuck Shop' that will sell lots of delicious fresh fruit.
We will keep you posted with news about our exciting new venture!
Llysfaen Primary School
Greenest School of the Year 2014
After a fantastic day out at the Really Rubbish Show 2014 the Eco Committee are pleased to announce that we have won an award for the Greenest School of the Year 2014. The Eco Committee and pupils of Llysfaen Primary School have continued to work incredibly hard to make our school a greener place to be. We had a fantastic time at the awards ceremony and won some super prizes for the school. Our gold tin can trophy is on display in our school and we are feeling very proud!
Say 'Hello' to our Eco Mascot!
Earl the Eco Elephant
Take a look at the sub pages below to see the Eco Committee and the rest of the school hard at work making our school an Eco Friendly place to be!