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Primary School

Learn, Play, Laugh

Dysgu Chwarae Chwerthin

Welcome Back


Dear Parents,


We really enjoyed catching up with the children last week in school and on the phone. Remember that your child should just bring in to school  some  snacks and a drink. Please can you ensure that  you put suncream on your child before coming to school (obviously we cannot put any on a child ourselves) and they wear a sun hat as we will be outside as much as possible.

Our main focus for the week will be to continue to develop  the children’s mental, physical and emotional well-being, whilst providing opportunities to play and socialise, through activities and play. 

During week two:

*Activities that allow your child to talk and get used to be back at school 

*Make a kite 

*Play socially distance games

*Sing familiar class songs 

*Talk about what is important to them

*Reading stories 


*We will be having a Sports day in our class bubbles next week, if your child is not returning to school, we would still really like them to get involved! Below are a list of the activities the children will be taking part in and the points that they will receive for their House. If the children take part in any or some of the activities, please share a picture or a video on Seesaw and we will add their points to their house! 


1.Egg and spoon  (spoon and potato)   - we will award points for taking part.

2.How many jumps can you do in 30 secs?  Gold - above 20   Silver- above 15  Bronze- above 10

3.How long can you stand on one leg?  Gold - above  30 secs  Silver - above  20 Secs  Bronze- above 10 secs 

4.How far can you throw a potato/ball?  Gold - above  3 metres   Silver - above  2 metres  Bronze- above 1 metres

5.How far can you jump starting on 2 feet  and landing on 2 feet? Gold- above 1 meter- Silver- above 2 meters  Bronze- above 50 cms.  

Best wishes

Mrs Borrill and Mrs Paull


Dear Parents and Children, 

We are very much looking forward to welcoming your children back to school during the week commencing the 6th July and seeing their smiling faces!


Below is a link that we hope that you will find useful before the children return to school. We have added some links to additional videos that the children might enjoy watching to help them  whether they are in school or out and about! There is also a letter explaining the activities that we will be sharing with your children whilst they are in school with us.  


Warmest wishes

Mrs Paull and Mrs Borrill


