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Primary School

Learn, Play, Laugh

Dysgu Chwarae Chwerthin

Meet the Governors

Welcome to the Governors' section!

Llysfaen Primary School has an active and committed governing body with a shared desire to work in partnership with Mrs Jenkins and her staff to make this high performing school even better. 

The governing  body is accountable for the strategic direction of the school and for the quality of education that it provides.  At Llysfaen Primary School governors fulfil this role by:

* attending full governing body meetings ( 5 evening meetings a year - Wednesday 6pm).
* sitting on one or more of the 3 main sub-committees - Finance & Staffing; Standards & Curriculum; Health, Safety & Wellbeing (up to 6 meetings a year - usually at 5pm on a Tuesday);
*sitting on the discipline, complaints or appeal sub-committees (only if required); 
* some governors take on an additional link role with responsibility for a particular area such as child protection, governor training or an Area of Learning and Experience etc;
*helping to prepare and publish our annual report to parents. 
*participating in joint staff and governor development events;
*supporting the school and representing the governing body at school events;
*keeping up to date with developments in the education sector and attending training and events provided by the City of Cardiff Council.

Support for new governors includes training and advice as well as an introductory session at the school if required (including welcome meetings with the headteacher and the chair of the governing body).

There's more information about our work and the election process below. The majority of our meetings take place outside the working day but some aspects of our role are fulfilled during school hours.  Employers often allow paid leave to carry out these duties. 

We have a friendly and supportive approach to our work and a range of skills and experience.  For more detail please contact the school office and either the Headteacher or I will be happy to chat to you further.

Nicholas Barber
Chair of Governing Body

The current Governors are:


The Head Teacher

Melanie Jenkins


2 Teacher Governors

Laura Cannon

Greg Jones


1 Non Teaching Staff Member

Jack Gregory


5 Parent Governors

Sarah Worley-James Vice Chair of Governors (Chair of Health, Safety & Wellbeing Committee)

Caroline Craven (Health & Wellbeing Link Governor)

Sarah Townsin (Safeguarding & Language, Literacy & Communication Link Governor)

Beth Williams (Humanities Link Governor)

Alex Kennedy ( Science & Technology Link Governor)



4 Local Authority Governors

Sian-Elin Melbourne (Cllr) (Welsh Link Governor)

Susan Powell (ALN Link Governor)

Caroline Du Cann

Nicholas Barber (Chair of Governors) (Training and Health & Safety Link Governor)


5 Community Governors

Karen Dabrowski (Chair of Finance & Staffing Committee)


Rev James Griffiths (Expressive Arts Link Governor)

Annette Nightingale (Chair of Standards & Curriculum Committee) (Mathematics Link Governor)

Beth Bruma (Equality & Diversity Link Governor)



Clerk to the Governing Body

Gillian McMurchie

