On Friday the Year Sixes showed their parents and the year fives, fours and threes their exhibition all about World War Two! The year sixes were very excited to show them their work because they had been working on their boards for the couple of weeks! They had each picked an area of World War Two and worked in teams to collect data on their area of learning, they paraphrased this information into a document and changed the size and font so it was easier to see, then the teachers printed out and cut it down to size so they could stick it on their board.
It took about a day for everyone to complete their board. Everybody helped each other out and it was a whole year group effort. Everybody really enjoyed the exhibition and it was great to see all of their hard work. They all showed off their boards and talked parents through exactly what happened during the topic that they chose to research. really well and only a few fell down! Overall it was a great day and the exhibition went amazing.
This project took around 1 week to finish and a lot of time and thought went into this. The year six children were very proud of their work and they didn't want to stop showing it off.